New for 2023! We are now able to offer behavioural consultations.
Veterinary surgeon Alison Silvester is now running a behaviour clinic. Alison has over 20 years experience in small animal general practice and has undertaken further training in behavioural medicine.
The advantage of consulting a veterinary behaviourist is that they are able to look at all the information and determine if particular behaviour is the result of a true behaviour problem or a symptom of a clinical disease. A veterinary surgeon can then formulate a treatment plan that covers behavioural therapy and treatment of underlying conditions if found to be contributing to the problem behaviour. The veterinary surgeon is able to prescribe any medication required, including behaviour modifying medications if indicated.
Behavioural consultations are unlike traditional ones as we want to hear all the information you have from as early as you can remember. We do this on a house visit basis to allow your pets to remain settled in their own home and to observe certain behaviours as they normally occur. If this isn't possible, videos can be taken to allow us to see exactly what is happening. We may examine your pet, but if we feel it would be too painful or stressful we may ask you to bring them into the practice for this part as we don't want to upset them in their own home where they feel safe!
Behavioural consultations can take up to 2 hours. We usually also ask that you complete and return a questionnaire prior to the appointment.
Alison will provide behavioural advice on the day of the appointment, followed up by a written report within 7 days. Ongoing support will be provided for up to 12 weeks following the appointment.
Due to the time taken for these appointments, they will be run outside Alison's normal consulting days. To book or for more information, please contact the practice on 0141 956 4234 or email Alison on [email protected]
Our current fees are £400 for dogs and £315 for cats within a 30 minute journey from Avalon Veterinary Clinic. Please contact us for additional cost if your home falls outwith the 30 minute radius. Prices are inclusive of VAT.
You may be able to claim for behavioural consultation via pet insurance, but please check with your insurance provider.
We are able to see any patient for a behavioural consultation, however, if you are registered with another veterinary practice we would recommend asking them for a referral to our behaviour service. This way we can obtain a clinical history from your vet and supply them with a report after the consultation. This also allows us to liaise with them about any other health conditions found.